Electric Vehicles/Autonomous Vehicles Implementation Services

As the development of electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles (EVs/AVs) gains momentum in the marketplace, Acumen brings its expertise in alternative and sustainable mobility technology research and implementation to support the progress. We are focused on developing better, more accessible, fast-charging EV system networks, especially in underserved communities, such as East Oakland. We also are focused on zero-emissions and other sustainable vehicle technologies with an eye to making inroads at the local, state and federal levels.

Our mobility tech experts’ research, development and grant-writing efforts hinge on:

  • Bridging the gap between EV/AV automakers and transportation planning.
  • Expanding EV charging station infrastructure.
  • Realistic safeguards for AVs, including consumer and legal protections.
  • Supporting visionary government initiatives and incentives.

Read about how AVs will shape the future of transportation.